Monday, September 3, 2012

Maybe A Comeback...

So it has been almost an entire year since we have last posted and the time has just flown by. Oregon continues to amaze me and there are still so many places Kyle and I have yet to visit!

A few quick updates from our lives over the past year:
-We bought a real camera!! We got a Sony Alpha 580 and have been really happy with it so far! We purchased it last November.
-I'm still working as a pediatric dietitian at the local children's hospital and love it! Everyday is a new challenge and I have the privilege of working with both the inpatient and outpatient populations.
-Kyle is currently unemployed :( Last February he quit his bar tending job after getting a job at Rogue working in the sales department. Unfortunately it was not a good fit and he was let go after 3 short months. 
-We traveled to Hawaii last November with our frisbee team! It was both of our first time on the islands and I can guarantee it will not be our last!!
-We moved into a new place. We are currently living in a triplex (think duplex with 3 units) and our unit has a washer and dryer, a dishwasher, 2 bedrooms, and a patio! It's not everything I want in a place, but the location more than makes up for it!
-Ultimate frisbee continues to be a big part of our lives. We are still playing with the same team that we started on and have traveled to many tournaments throughout the spring and summer.
-Our love for rock climbing continues to grow and we went on our first outdoor climbing trip just last month. I'll have a post on that soon!
-I'm playing basketball again!!! Kyle and I have been playing recreationally with friends about 1 time per week for a few hours. I then also joined a women's league for a few months that I really enjoyed. Kyle was sweet enough to come to my games and cheer me on :) I'm not currently in the league, but I'm planning on rejoining here this fall.
-Sammie, the cat, she's still as crazy and fluffy as always! 
-As for hiking, we have only been on 5 hikes so far this year. That number is so incredibly disappointing when looking at our previous goal of doing 60 in 2 years. We have done 24 total from our book. I'll have a few posts coming up about recent hikes.

We have traveled places, entertained visitors, and just hung out in Portland. Here are some pictures to hopefully give you a better idea of what we have been up to this past year! No promises that they are in any type of order!!

If you want any other updates between now and the next post, call or email us!


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