Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2 months in portland

so yesterday made it official that kyle and i have been in portland for 2 months and we are really enjoying ourselves! i made cupcakes to celebrate!

i have been working a ton--this week i am scheduled about 24 hours at express and about 20 hours at applebees. which in reality isn't a lot...but when they are part time jobs not paying that well...it seems like a lot. and i haven't had a day off since last monday (september 27) and my next day off should be wednesday, october 13. i have a job interview tomorrow for a relief dietitian position with a senior citizen center based from providence hospital. it is also conveniently located about 5 blocks from our apartment!

kyle has also been working quite a bit...and it has been showing because his tips have been awesome! we are now going shopping tomorrow night because he wants to buy some more pants. and i would never complain about shopping!

sammie (the kitty) has adjusted well to life in portland. every morning she watches the birds gather in our courtyard of the apartment complex and she runs back and forth between the living room and the bedroom depending on where the birds fly. she is hilarious! she also ate part of a cupcake i had made for kyle and i.

other fun things we have been doing recently: our friend, dan, from columbia, mo moved out to seattle a couple of weeks ago. we have now spent the last 2 weekends hanging out with him. we met him in olympia, wa to play a day tournament for ultimate frisbee. our team, rowboat, actually got first place in the tourny! so yay! kyle and i then drove up to seattle for the night to hang out. and then this past weekend dan came down to portland. we spent the entire weekend drinking beer and hanging out. kyle and i have also been playing a lot of trivia on monday nights with a group of frisbee friends at a local bar. it is really fun...we placed 2nd place last week!

kyle and i like to keep things low key though and have been checking books out from the library and also getting tv shows on dvd from there as well, so that has been keeping us occupied! and we do occasionally rent movies from the redbox down the street!

but i hope things are well with everyone! i'll post soon about our apartment accompanied with pictures!

-megan ♥