Tuesday, August 10, 2010

weekend 1 in portland!

so kyle has given me permission to use his blog to keep everyone updated about our lives! it just makes more sense if we share one right?!?! i just wish he wouldn't have named it "kyle in portland". LAME!

anyways! i thought i would share a little bit about our first weekend in portland!

kyle and i went running on both saturday and sunday! it was really nice to get out and about, but it was also really helpful because i now know the neighborhood a little better! both days we ran to laurelhurst park and back to our apartment. laurelhurst is a really cool park with basketball hoops, a walking/running/biking path, and lots and lots of grassy areas for people to hang out! there were also signs for movies in the park which kyle and i are planning on checking out!

on sunday we went wondering around downtown which was really fun! we stopped in at powells, the giant bookstore which takes up an entire city block and is 3 stories tall! we basically looked at fun travel books and maps and portland hiking things! we also stopped in a really cool kitchen store that was super expensive so we didn't buy anything! but the store offers cooking classes and i really really want to sign up for one! they just sound really fun! another place we went to was cupcake jones and i have decided we are going to go there whenever people come visit us...so work on that people! we had the "what's up doc" cupcake which was carrot cake filled with vanilla bean pastry cream and topped with cream cheese icing and a hand made candied carrot! definitely not something as a dietitian i would recommend, but definitely something i would eat over and over again! =) the menu changes monthly there and different cupcakes are offered everyday!

kyle and i continue to apply for jobs, but nothing promising has came about yet which is super lame. we have been taking advantage of the library with all of the free things it offers such as internet, books, movies, and cds! so thats where i am right now as i write this!

we have yet to finish unpacking all of our stuff! (mostly it is just my stuff left now!) so once that is all done, i will post some pictures of our cozy little apartment!

and finally, here are some pictures i had from our roadtrip out here!
sammie sleeping underneath the driver's seat (she is a little weird...)

cool rock formations in utah

kyle and sammie (she made it that far in a car she had to see something cool!) at horsetail falls!
multnomah falls

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan and Kyle.
    I'm so glad that the two of you did this blog. Great tool to keep us posted on what is going on with the two of you. The pictures were breath taking. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. We wish you both luck and happiness.

    Love Uncle Robert and Aunt Barb
